Strategic Health Initiatives for Effective Disease Prevention

AI and Multimodal Data: Key to Personalized Prevention in CVD and Diabetes

Using risk individualisation metrics to guide personalized prevention strategies and care plans, and reduce the risk and progression of NCDs.

Leveraging multimodal data collection, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and collaboration among all actors in the healthcare system to identify personalized prevention strategies in cardiovascular disease (CVD) and diabetes.

Explore Our Vision for a Healthier Future

Pioneering Personalized Prevention in Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes

SHIELD aims to revolutionize healthcare by leveraging AI and multimodal data to develop risk stratification tools, empower patient self-management, and foster proactive health policies for better disease prevention.

Objective 1

Implement a tool to stratify patients on risk profiles for proper disease prevention and treatment.

Objective 2

Foster personalized care plans and prevention strategies for a proactive healthcare framework.

Objective 3

Validate the technical feasibility and patient empowerment potential of SHIELD interventions in CVD and diabetes.

Objective 4

Propel evidence-based health policies for health promotion and disease prevention.

Latest news

  • News
Press Release

2 de diciembre de 2024

Strategic Health Initiatives for Effective Disease Prevention (SHIELD) launches to transform non-communicable disease prevention in Europe The groundbreaking SHIELD project,…

Patient with risk factors

Secondary Preventive Strategy

SHIELD app provides recommendations and health advises.

Patient with NCD

Teriary Preventive Strategy

SHIELD app monitors patient (report PREMs /PROMs) and improves adherence to tratment

Wide Population

Primary Preventive Strategy

Targeted interventions for primary prevention from the evidence gathered in the project

Clinical Studies

Two different clinical studies: one focused on prospective data collection involving patients and healthy individuals; and another one for the retrospective data analysis to gather enough evidence to ensure the achievement of the impact.

Prototype validated on three challenging case studies with 2,300 people, focused on different diseases and target groups.

Policy and Research Priorities

EU Initiatives on NCDs

Healthier together

initiative to support EU countries in identifying and implementing effective policies and actions to reduce the burden of major NCDs and improve citizens' health and well-being.


Reducing Europe's cancer and NCD burden through coordinated strategies on health determinants. Focusing on effective policies, societal and personal risk factors.


Supports European countries in reducing the burden of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes, at both individual and health system levels.

Get In Touch

Contact Us

If you want more information about the Project or just tell us some comments, please contact with:

Inmaculada Luengo

SHIELD Project Coordinator


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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement Nº 101156751. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflet those of the European Union. The European Union can not be held responsible for them.

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